Sunday, July 17, 2016

When Is Murdering Cops the Right Answer to Address Grievances?


The only correct answer, class, is NEVER!
Do cops sometimes make mistakes and shoot unarmed people? Yes, sadly, that does happen. Are cops ever justified in shooting unarmed people? Yes, sometimes they are. Should each incident be thoroughly investigated? Yes, it should. Are peaceful protests by those who are upset about the shootings, and/or the outcome of the investigations appropriate? Yes, they are, until the message has been heard. Are looting and destruction ever legitimate parts of those protests? No, never, not ever.
The murders committed by followers of #BlackLivesMatter and the New Black Panther Party in Dallas last week, and Baton Rouge last night[i] are in no way the appropriate responses to either case, nor the other cases over the past few years. The random murder of police officers by any one, at any time, in any cause, is never excusable, no matter what grievance someone thinks they have.
#BlackLivesMatter will have you think they do not support such attacks on the police. It is hard to believe them, considering some of the vitriolic chants their leaders have encouraged protestors to yell out as they march. When your own leaders are leading chants calling for dead cops, your claim that you don’t believe in violence against cops tends to sound like weak, legalistic rhetoric designed for the media but to be ignored by your own followers.
As for the New Black Panther Party, they are a violent proponent of the overthrow of “White” America, have been disavowed by surviving members of the true Black Panther Party, and have been identified as a hate group by anyone and everyone who counts. The NBPP seeks to take over five southern states, drive all whites out, and establish a Black Nation within the boundaries of the US.
This same Party has applauded the killing of the officers in Dallas and named their killer a martyr. The example these people are setting for black youth around the country is a disturbing one.
While responsible parents, teachers, and community leaders work hard to convince these youths that violence is not the way to express your disagreement or anger over or at a situation, groups like #BLM and the NBPP work equally hard to convince them that violence is their only option.
This goes against everything Dr Martin Luther King Jr stood for, called for, an expected. And it does nothing to de-escalate the situation. Quite the contrary, it exacerbates the division and distrust
Is the use of deadly force by law enforcement sometimes justified? Yes. Is the use of deadly force by law enforcement against an unarmed suspect sometimes justified? Yes, on rare occasion, when there is a tangible threat. Should every incident of deadly force used by law enforcement be investigated fairly and the fullest? Absolutely.
But never, ever, is the ambushing and murder of police officers an acceptable way to protest anything.
As Always, I remain,
The Exhausted Educator

[i] should it be learned that attack is tied to those groups,

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