Friday, July 8, 2016

FBI Director Comey Changes Definition of Criminal Act, Hillary Hadn't INTENDED to Break Law She Broke

courtesy of Pixabay CC0 Public Domain

Teacher: What lesson did we learn from FBI Director James Comey this week class?

Class: That if you are rich and politically powerful the laws can be bent to keep you out of jail.

Teacher: Yes, class, that’s right. And how do we know that was the lesson Director Comey was teaching?

Class: He said so himself when he said that even though Mrs Clinton broke the law the FBI found no clear evidence that the former First Lady, former Senator from New York, former Secretary of State, and presumptive Democratic nominee for President “intended to break the law governing the use of classified materials.”[i]

Teacher: And what was the response of the Congressional Committee?

Class: Congressman Jason Caffetz from Utah said he was mystified by Director Comey’s answers because “If the ‘average Joe’ handled classified information the way that Mrs Clinton had, ‘they’d be in handcuffs.” [ii]

Teacher: Was that the only reaction?

Class: No. Congressman Trey Gowdy from South Carolina elicited from Director Comey testimony to show that Mrs Clinton had lied to Congress about numerous details of her improper handling of classified information.[iii] Congressman Gowdy then elicited agreement from Director Comey that the actions taken by Mrs Clinton and her staff, had they been taken by an average, reasonable person, would be used in court to prove the very intent Director Comey claims the FBI could not find in Mrs Clinton’s use of a private email server to handle classified information.[iv]

Teacher: Class, there is no right or wrong answer to this, but what do you think the outcome of the FBI’s findings in this case, and the subsequent recommendation not to prosecute Mrs Clinton for breaking the law because she, according to Director Comey, hadn’t intended to break the law, will be?

Class: Congressman Gowdy stated the probable outcome of this decision during the hearing when he said. “…this double track justice system that is rightly or wrongly perceived in this country. That if you are a private in the Army and email yourself classified information you will be kicked out. But if you are Hillary Clinton, and you seek a promotion to Commander in Chief, you will not be. So what I hope you can do today is help the average person, the reasonable person you made reference to, the reasonable person understand why she appears to be treated differently than the rest of us would be.”[v]

Teacher: Does the FBI’s finding in the case mean that Mrs Clinton will suffer no consequences for breaking the law governing handling of classified information?

Class: It certainly seems that way.

We, as a society, wonder why our children don’t take rules and laws seriously. We are puzzled as to why our children, and a lot of adults, too, believe there should be no consequences for their improper behavior, or even their outright breaking of the rules and laws in place. I don’t understand why we are surprised at their attitude. After all, they learned if from watching what our nation’s leaders do. When high ranking government officials get away with breaking the law because of a favorable interpretation of their intent by the high ranking government official charged with investigating the breaking of such laws, and then the person who holds the highest elected office in the land, who is the person ultimately responsible for enforcing the laws of the land, describes the law breaker as the most qualified person to be President ever[vi], is it any wonder our children are confused about why they should obey the laws and rules imposed on them?

As always, I remain,

The Exhausted Educator

[ii] ibid
[iv] ibid
[v] ibid

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