Monday, May 16, 2016

Monday Morning Counting Down

courtesy of Pixabay CC0 Public Domain
Counting today we have only three Mondays left in the school year, thanks to Memorial Day on May 30th. Teachers are trying to get last minute projects, papers, tests, and other assignments turned in, graded, and into the grade book before End-of-Grade testing starts next week.

Students are scrambling to get those same projects, papers, and other assignments finished and turned in. My home room students begged me to give them time to get their Math binders in shape this morning. The binders are due today. Mind you, if they had kept their binders in order all throughout the quarter turning it in would be a simple matter of bringing it to class and giving it to their Math teacher. Naturally, most of the students’ binders are a chaotic mix of notes, quizzes, tests, homework, and assignments stuffed into the binder in no particular order.

Employing my experience and wisdom gained through nearly a decade and a half of teaching middle school children, I have decided that letting them work openly to do what they could in this last hour before their Math class would save me a lot of aggravation. Were I to try and teach something new or review something old in science this morning I would be faced with a room full of students trying to completely their Math binders on the sly.

Better to let them have this time to help each other get their binders ready. It builds good will with the students, improves their opinion of teachers in general, and will aid my colleague whose unenviable task it will be to grade these binders by the end of the week.

As for the science lesson for today, it was going to be on Newton’s Second Law. Newton’s Laws have been around for centuries. It can wait one more day for these kids to learn it.

As always, I remain,

The Exhausted Educator

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