Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Extortion and Diversion as Government Policy

courtesy of Pixabay CC0 Public Domain

Extortion - The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.

While the Federal Government has, throughout the existence of the United States, predating even the Constitution, occasionally provided funding and direction for public schools, most often in terms of land grants for universities and colleges, until the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 it had not interfered all that much with education below the collegiate/vocational school level. The ESEA of 1965 held as its basic tenant that students from low-income homes needed more educational services than children from affluent homes.

As with most of President Johnson’s rosy predictions about his Great Society, his prediction of the ESEA as a road out of poverty for millions of children from low-income families soon proved woefully inaccurate. Studies in the years following implementation of the Act showed the school improvements made with the funding had only moderate impact on those students’ scholastic achievement.

No one who understood the real impetus behind the ESEA of 1965 was surprised by the results. The Act was not as much about education as it was about political strategy to appease members of the civil rights community and influential members of the Democrat Party. Providing funds to improve education for poor children was a guaranteed way to attract support from those constituencies.

Perhaps the most important thing to come out of the ESEA of 1965 was the paradigm shift in how the federal government viewed its role in public education. Instead of providing general aid to all levels of public education, the Act provided a vehicle for increasing aid to certain sectors and withholding it from others based on the political winds of the day. It was this Act, more than any other federal legislation that led to the situation we find ourselves in today, where who gets to use which bathroom has risen to a question of such importance that the federal government is willing to extort compliance out of school systems in states that disagree with the federal directive to allow students of either gender to use the bathroom, locker room, or shower of their choice based on which gender they feel most like that day.

This extortion comes in the form of a threat to withhold federal education funding from the public universities, colleges, and public schools, thereby willfully endangering the education and future of all students for the sake of allowing a few, a very few, to potty where they please.

Distraction - a thing that prevents someone from giving full attention to something else.

Meanwhile, nationalism and xenophobia are on the rise in Europe, a Muslim ‘invasion’ of Europe that may have been in the planning stages since the days of Saladin seems to be underway, militant Islam is spreading its Cult of Death further around the world, China is growing bolder and more militant, and a resurgent Russia led by a egomaniacal megalomaniac rivalled only by our own Donald Trump is playing dangerous military games with our Navy and threatening war if we continue to build a missile shield against Iran and other Middle Eastern ballistic threats.

And people wonder why our children have a hard time understanding what is truly important.

As always, I remain,

The Exhausted Educator

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