Wednesday, May 4, 2016

An Aromatic End To A Wild Ride

courtesy of Pixabay CC0 Public Domain
Our science lesson today began with a review of the answers to yesterday’s test. There was some discussion among the students about why the right answers were the right answers. We finally hashed out why the answers that had been marked off were incorrect and were ready to move on.

What we moved on to was a Magic School Bus video about the digestive system. In the video, Miss Frizzle’s class, sans Arnold, climb aboard the Magic School Bus, which then shrinks to the size of a Cheezie Weezie, the puffed cheese snack Arnold is about to eat.

The bus gets tossed into Arnold’s mouth along with a handful of Cheezie Weezies and the students get a firsthand look at the digestive system. As the Magic Bus traveled the length of Arnold’s digestive system I often paused the video to emphasize certain aspects of the biology and anatomy of the portion of the system through which the bus was passing.

We were nearly to the end of the trip, so to speak, when we had to stop the video to watch our in class news program, Channel One. The Magic School bus had just entered Arnold’s large intestine and the students on the bus noticed how aromatic, not in a good way, the location was. It took a moment for my students to clue to exactly where the bus was, what was happening there, and why it smelled bad. Just as they did, we had to pause for the news.

My class is ready to hold their collective noses and watch the end of the video. I’m just glad our in class technology doesn’t include smell-o-vision.

As it turned out, the Magic School Bus did not follow Arnold’s digestive track all the way to the end. Instead they turned about and made their way back to the stomach and caught a ride out on a large belch. My students thought that was hilarious.

The video did have the desired effect of helping them remember many things about the digestive system. When we went into the text book for vocabulary and notes there was no hesitation or confusion when I’d call on a student to answer a question or define a word. What more could a science teacher ask for from a lesson?

As always, I remain,

The Exhausted Educator

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