Friday, June 24, 2016

Lightning – Thunder – and - Rain! Oh My!

(C)2016 Douglas W Davis

For the second time on this camping trip we experienced a night of storms. The area was under a Severe Thunderstorm Warning for a while and some parts of the area might have gotten it worse than we did. We got a bit of wind, some thunder and lightning, and a lot of rain.
Yesterday my missus and I took a lazy day and stayed here in the campsite. She went on a couple of long walks and took a trip to town for groceries. I stayed in camp and worked on my current book project. It seems to be coming along well.
Today is our last full day in camp. It is starting out as a blustery, overcast day and the forecast is for warm temperatures and more storms to arrive later in the day. Our plan for today is to do a some more sightseeing along one of the scenic drives looking for photo opportunities.
Earlier this morning I had a photo opportunity while letting my mini-Schnauzer have a run in the Bark Park. Across the street from the Bark Park is a hillside pasture and this morning the cows from the farm down the road were in that pasture grazing. I’ve seen them grazing on the hillside on the far side of the campground, but this morning was the closest I had been to them. One of the cows seemed to take an interest in what I was doing with my camera and posed for me long enough to allow me to take a couple of good photos of her looking at me.
(C)2016 Douglas W Davis

In other news of educational significance, I see the United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union. In the wake of the vote, Scotland and Northern Ireland are seeking independence referendums so they can exit the United Kingdom and return to the European Union. Rumors are now abounding saying France and the Netherlands may be next.
I’m sure things will be interesting across the pond over the next couple of years.  Including weather and travel in my math class will be a cinch. I wonder how I can work stories about what’s going on in Europe into my math lessons.
As always, I remain,
The Exhausted Educator

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