Thursday, August 11, 2016

Playing Hooky at Post 90

Source:Pixabay/langll CC0 Public Domain

This post is my 90th since starting this blog back in May of this year. Here is a link to that first post if you’d like to read it. May 4, 2016.

My most viewed post, by far, so far, is the post I wrote about why raising the minimum wage to $15 per hour would not be the panacea many millennials think it would be. May 28, 2016.

Today’s post was going to be about the third day at the Summer Institute. I write “was” because I am playing hooky today. When I left the Institute yesterday I had accumulated the 10 contact hours I needed to be credited for 1 Continuing Education Unit, so the hours I would have spent in class today would not have benefited me towards that goal. Also, most of the seminars being offered today were repeats from the last 2 days, for folks who hadn’t been able to come or who hadn’t made it to the seminar before it was full. I was able to attend all the seminars I felt would most benefit me and my students on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Since I am not required to attend all 3 days like the beginning teachers – those with 3 years or less experience – I chose to work on the remaining items on my missus’ list of Honey-Dos. If in the course of completing those items I happen to stop for breakfast at Panera Bread, well, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

I also plan on spending part of the day trying out some of the online teaching tools I learned about over the last two days. I hope to become familiar enough with them to be able to utilize at least some of them right from the start of the school year.

Before I can do that, though, now that breakfast if finished, I do have the Honey-Dos I must do before I can do anything else.

As always, I remain,
The Exhausted Educator

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