Thursday, August 4, 2016

Is There Anything Absolute in This World?

Source: Pixabay/Erika Wittlieb CC0 Public Domain

With all the economic, political, and cultural uncertainty in the world today we are all looking for something with Absolute Value. Thankfully, we can find Absolute Value in mathematics.

In a previous post, “Why Must Some Numbers Act Irrationally?”, I briefly mentioned the set of numbers called Integers. Integers – the set of Whole Numbers and their Opposites, ranging from Negative Infinity to Positive Infinity counting by ones. Along with their identification as Positive – meaning to the right of 0 (zero) on the number line, or Negative – meaning to the left of 0 (zero) on the number line, Integers have an Absolute Value.

“The Absolute Value of an Integer is the distance between the number and 0 (zero) on the Number Line. The Absolute Value of a number a is written as |a|.”[i] The bars to either side of the number are known as Absolute Value Bars.

When teaching the concept of Absolute Value to my students I have then envision a trip to the nearest sizable city to our north and the nearest sizable city to our south. Each city is approximately 20 miles from our city. To help them, I model the location of the three cities on a vertical number line on the white board with our city as 0 (zero). Going north, I number the miles with Positive Integers and going south, with Negative Integers.

Seventh graders, nearly all of them anyway, are familiar with a car odometer. After we have our crude map on the board, I ask them how many miles would be added to the trip odometer if they drove to the city to our north. Naturally, they answer, “Twenty.” Then I ask them if the odometer would run backwards and subtract the miles when they drove back to our city. I’ve never had a student argue that the odometer would run backward. They agree twenty more miles would be added to the odometer total.

Once the students have absorbed the first part of the lesson, I challenge them to determine what happens to the odometer if they drive to the city to our south and back. They usually realize very quickly that even though the numbers on the number line are negative, the odometer will still add them to the total both going to the distant city and coming back.

This, I explain, is the essence of Absolute Value. No matter which way you go from 0 (zero), right towards Positive Infinity or left towards Negative Infinity, the distance you travel is always Positive. Learning and understanding this concept is absolutely essential if the students are to move on to the more intricate concepts of adding and subtracting integers.

As always, I remain,

The Exhausted Educator

[i] Larson, Ron, and Laurie Boswell. "Chapter 1, Lesson 1." Big Ideas Math: A Common Core Curriculum. Erie, PA: Big Ideas Learning, LLC, 2014. 4. Print.

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