Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Thankful for My Students

As I begin my Thanksgiving Holiday with my wife and youngest son, I want to express how grateful I am for my students.

Each day I get up and go to school for them. They challenge me to give my best effort every class.

When I read about the recent bus accident in Chattanooga, my heart broke for those children and their families. I cannot imagine how I would feel if something like that happened to any of my kids.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew last month, and the approach of Thanksgiving, our school's Student Government Association sponsored a canned food drive. We hold this drive every year. Most years we collect enough goods to fill the back of a pickup truck. This year, we collected enough cans to fill an activity bus.

People often tell me they don't know how anyone can be middle school teacher. Most of these kids are so wonderful, if challenging at time, that I cannot imagine doing anything else.

So, on this Thanksgiving Eve, I want to say I am thankful for my students.

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