Saturday, September 3, 2016

Hermine Visits Middle School

Source: Pixabay CC0 Public Domain
This year the first week of school ended with a washout. None of our students washed out, but all of our students were “washed out” of school early on Friday due to the imminent arrival of Hurricane Hermine.

The good news about a storm inspired Early Dismissal is that the day counts as a School Day and will not have to be made up at a later date. The bad news is we had to weather a storm. Thankfully, the impacts of Hermine on our area were minimal. We experienced a good bit of rain and some wind but no serious damage as far as I am aware.

I was pleased with the way our students handled the news of the Early Dismissal when the announcement came. They were excited about getting out of school early, as one might expect. They were also anxious about what Hermine might do to our area. To allay their concerns, I brought up The Weather Channel on our in-class projector and showed them that we were on the very edge of the impact area.

Awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Hermine is how we ended the school week. During the week we had some planned excitement with our first Fire Drill. Even though we all knew it was coming, the Fire Alarm in our building is so loud and abrupt, we all nearly jumped out of our skins when it sounded. Then there was some confusion as the first teacher on our hall led the students down the wrong sidewalk. Our evacuation route is to the left of the Media Center. The eighth grade uses the sidewalk on the right side of the Media Center. The new teacher on our team led our students down the right side sidewalk.

No real harm was done. I was able to meet the students as they came around the Media Center and bring them back into the fold. I was very proud of my class. They’d gone ahead with one of my other team mates and when I caught up, after finding our lost lambs, they were lined up nicely, quietly, and awaiting me to come and take role.

Despite all the excitement this past week, we were able to get some Math done. Even the Early Dismissal on Friday didn’t stop us. The three classes I did get to see were able to complete 2 of the 3 planned activities. Hopefully, I’ll have all four classes back on the same schedule by the end of next week.

For the next couple of days, though, I intend to relax, do some writing, and enjoy what is left of this Labor Day Weekend.

As always, I remain,

The Exhausted Educator

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